Tuesday 27 September 2011

Pastel Portrait.

Sometimes you need to stand back or get someone else's perspective on a 'finished' painting.  My husband is a picture framer and over the years has developed a keen eye.  He seems to know instrinctively when a painting isn't quite ready for framing.  Now that I've finished this painting I have another to do of the same little boy in graphite.  To create a bit of mental space between the two projects I have been working on the sunflower painting I started a few weeks ago.  Lately I have become much more professional in the way I organise my painting day.  I have set hours that I paint and really look forward to distancing myself from the world for that period of time each day.  But I also have a set time when I complete paperwork and prepare classwork for the week ahead, even for walking the dogs. 

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