Saturday 13 August 2011

Jazzy - I think he's nearly finished !

I think finally I'm nearly finished on this one.  Apart from a few nips and tucks to the background which is still a little clunky.  I'll 'live' with it propped up on my mantelpiece for a few days and then I'll add the final touches.  Too often I rush in to framing a 'finished' piece only to find once it is safely behind glass that there is more to do.
I completely misjudged how long it would take me to complete this commision, (I thought about a week), but in reality it took me about 8 weeks, and I enjoyed every minute of it!  Whilst working on a complicated piece I'll watch a complete DVD series.  I this case every time I see this painting I will be transported to the complete series 1 & 2 of 'Life On Mars'.  I'd love to hear how other artists arrange their working environment.  Do you watch TV or listen to music? 

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