Sunday 18 December 2011

Flower Painting Fridays

I hope everyone in the Flower Painting Class enjoyed painting the 'Holly & Snow' as much as I did.  Thanks to Keith from the Thursday group we had lots of different species to choose from.

Sunday 4 December 2011

James Green Workshop

Saturday 28th January 2012
10am - 4pm
Northborough Framing
Airbrush Workshop - £30 including all materials.
Maximum of 8 students
To reserve your place please call John or Delia on 01778 380870
Please bring a packed lunch.

Saturday 3 December 2011

December gallery

We have some wonderful art for sale at Northborough Framing this month.  Come for a mince pie and coffee to view the work.  We are raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support and are open every Saturday until Christmas.  Northborough Framing, Market Deeping, PE6 9DQ.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Mince Pies, Coffee & Art

I'm busy hanging work by a selection of local artists ready for our Macmillan Cancer Support fundraising days at Northborough Framing in Market Deeping  PE6 9DQ.  Pop along any saturday in December and for a donation to the fund you can be enjoying festive refreshment while viewing this exciting collection of local art.  You may pick up an extra special present and help this worthwhile charity in the process.  Hope to see you there!

Monday 24 October 2011


I'm really enjoying painting these sunflowers and I think I've nearly finished.  Students in my classes have also completed their own versions of this project and it's lovely to see the variety of the completed paintings.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Pastel Pencil Workshop

Judith is going to be running a one day workshop at Northborough Framing in Market Deeping suitable for beginners.   You will be taken through every stage of producing a true likeness of a pet working in a limited palette of pastel pencils. 
Please contact me on 01778 380870 to book your place.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Follow on Facebook

Enter into my free draw to win a portrait for christmas.  Click on this link to my facebook page and click the 'Like' button to become a follower.  The winning 'follower' will be drawn at the end of October.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Pencil drawing - Max

It's been lovely to immerse myself in artwork again.  My morning dog walk was warm but blowy and woke me up ready for couple of hours of drawing to finish a portrait of this lovely little lad.   
My next project is a friend's garden in watercolour for christmas.

Saturday 1 October 2011

macmillan coffee morning !

Well, the cakes are eaten, the coffee's been drunk and our feet are throbbing. We had a fantastic day!  Thanks to all the support and generosity we made a staggering £200 for the charity.  At 10pm last night  whilst I was putting the finishing touches to the exhibition, I was hoping at least a few visitors would pass through our doors to make the hard work worth while.  We had about 70 visitors throughout the day and all hands were on deck to keep the coffee flowing.  I'm now looking forward to collecting the dogs, relaxing back into painting and getting on with my many commissions.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Pastel Portrait.

Sometimes you need to stand back or get someone else's perspective on a 'finished' painting.  My husband is a picture framer and over the years has developed a keen eye.  He seems to know instrinctively when a painting isn't quite ready for framing.  Now that I've finished this painting I have another to do of the same little boy in graphite.  To create a bit of mental space between the two projects I have been working on the sunflower painting I started a few weeks ago.  Lately I have become much more professional in the way I organise my painting day.  I have set hours that I paint and really look forward to distancing myself from the world for that period of time each day.  But I also have a set time when I complete paperwork and prepare classwork for the week ahead, even for walking the dogs. 

The World's Biggest Coffee Morning!

Countdown to macmillan coffee morning
Just 4 days to go!
Join us for Art, Cake & Coffee.
10 per cent of all art sales and 100 per cent of refreshments to macmillan fund.
10am - 4pm Saturday 1st October.
Northborough Framing PE6 8LW.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Art Show and Coffee Morning
Saturday 1st October 2011
10am - 4pm
Enjoy a cup of coffee and homemade cakes and view paintings by
local artists at
Northborough Framing, Market Deeping

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Pastel portraits

I haven't posted for a couple of weeks due to the very busy studio time recently.  This is a christmas portrait I've just finished and it was certainly more challenging than painting fur in pastel! 

Thursday 8 September 2011


I continue to add depth to the painting before starting on the flower heads.

Sunflowers - stage 1

Having decided upon my design, I transferred it to my watercolour paper, masked the flower heads and applied a wet in wet wash to the background.  When this was dry I painted some negative spaces.

Sunflower watercolour

New flower painting class starts tomorrow and I have developed a project inspired by this bunch of sunflowers.  I will show my painting as the stages develop.

Commission a portrait for christmas

I'm back to painting portraits and taking commissions for christmas.  A guide price for this portrait would be £100 tastefully framed by my tasteful framer.  Get your photos to me as soon as possible to avoid disappointment!

Saturday 3 September 2011

The Old Bakery, Deeping St James

This was a damp and cloudy day!  I quite like to see reflections on a wet road and it's something we have a lot of in this country.  I'm going to paint more puddles this year!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Top Selling Print!

This is now my most popular limited edition print.
I painted this is acrylic, and wanted to convey the dramatic delapidation of this signal box.  I was working on it in the heat of the early summer this year which I think influenced my interpretation.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

World's Biggest Coffee Morning

Friday 30th September 11.30am - 1.30pm
Saturday 1st October 10.00am - 4pm
Northborough Framing in Market Deeping
Come along to my studio at Northborough Framing and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with a selection of homemade cakes for a small donation.  There wil be paintings, prints and cards for sale with 10% of these sales going to Macmillan Cancer Support.  Come along and support this worthwhile cause.

Friday 19 August 2011

This is the poster for a class I shall be running from 9th September.  Beginners and more advanced painters will be welcome to this group and I will taylor the projects to individual needs.  We will be developing skill in capturing the delicacy and transparent qualities of flowers.  Numbers in the group will be 6-8 students, so there will be plenty of time for individual attention.  New students will be welcome as places become available.  Cost is £5.50 weekly paid one month in advance or £7 weekly pay as you go.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Hollyhocks - stage 2-3

I'm gradually building up the layers of watercolour on the petals to create depth.  They petals are a mixture of purple and pink which lends itself very well to layers of transparent watercolour.

Hollyhocks - Stage 1

I've started a watercolour painting of hollyhocks, this will be one of the projects in my forthcoming flower painting class.  I stumbled across a painter by the name of Ann Mortimer recently and was completely blown away by her paintings, and am now searching out flowers growing in friends gardens to photograph and paint.  The whole process is so restful that it hardly feels like work !

Jazzy - I think he's nearly finished !

I think finally I'm nearly finished on this one.  Apart from a few nips and tucks to the background which is still a little clunky.  I'll 'live' with it propped up on my mantelpiece for a few days and then I'll add the final touches.  Too often I rush in to framing a 'finished' piece only to find once it is safely behind glass that there is more to do.
I completely misjudged how long it would take me to complete this commision, (I thought about a week), but in reality it took me about 8 weeks, and I enjoyed every minute of it!  Whilst working on a complicated piece I'll watch a complete DVD series.  I this case every time I see this painting I will be transported to the complete series 1 & 2 of 'Life On Mars'.  I'd love to hear how other artists arrange their working environment.  Do you watch TV or listen to music? 

Monday 8 August 2011

We're having a break on Wednesday evenings until September but other classes will be continuing right through.  Lots of people have been enjoying the flower painting projects and I am going to offer a class on Friday afternoons 1-3 pm.  Please contact me for further details.

Jazzy The Stallion

I've now finished the background and just have a cornfield and the sky to finish.  This painting has taken me much longer than it should, but I'm happy with the effect so far.  Comments are very welcome!

Monday 11 July 2011

July Newsletter - Northborough Framing & Art Centre

Our latest newsletter is now out.  We offer an excellent rate on art materials and can beat any online, SAA members price.  If you would like to be added to out mailing list for offers and up coming events please contact me by email -

Update on Jazzy the miniature horse stallion

Not quite a meadow yet ! 

Thursday 7 July 2011

Friday Morning Students - Painting for Pleasure

One of my lovely painting groups getting stuck in to some watercolour washes.  
Classes are suitable for all abilities.
Wednesday 7-9 pm
Thursday 10-12 noon
Thursday 7-9 pm
Friday 10-12 noon
If you can't make a regular weekly class, we also run one-day weekend workshops.
Starting to paint in watercolours - Saturday 16th July

Please call me on 01778 344144 for further details
All classes take place at Northborough Framing in Market Deeping.

Saturday 25 June 2011

Watercolour Workshop - Starting to paint in Watercolour

Next one-day workshop is planned for Saturday 16th July.  The day will run from 10-4 and all refreshments will be included (Please bring a packed lunch).  This workshop is ideal for beginners or anyone who needs to brush up their basic skills of watercolour painting.  I will cover stretching paper; flat washes; graded washes; wet-in-wet; colour mixing; dry brush. 
We will complete one watercolour painting and you will go home with a finished, mounted painting. Cost of the day is £25 and the class is limited to 8 in number.  All students will be given 20% discount on any materials purchased.  Please contact Delia on 01778 344144 to book your place.   The painting below is typical of a workshop painting.

Snettisham Church - watercolour

I've had another lovely day with my 'Open Studio' with a stream of visitors all day.  Many came along with an interest in joining a class and I am including a watercolour painting used as a project for the groups last year.  I try to pick paintings which will give the best opportunity to practice lots of techniques.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Jazzy finished, background to go.  By the next time you see this he will be standing in a beautiful meadow shaded by a tree.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Jazzy - Miniature Horse Stallion

Getting on well with this one.  Just got to finish the back end and then add a background.  A happy day painting!

Peterborough Artists Open Studios

I've just enjoyed the second weekend of three in the Open Studios.  I've loved having lots of vistors to my studio and I've met some lovely people along the way.  Thanks to everyone who bought work and cards, and all those who stopped for a cup of tea and a chat.  I've had time to start a new commission while the studio was open and so far it looks okay.  I'm working in pastel pencils on pastelmat. 
This is 'Jazzy'.  He's a miniature horse stallion.

Monday 7 March 2011

Norfolk landscape stage 3

I have now finished most of this painting.  I have added a raw sienna and cadmium red glaze to warm up the image.  I haven't decided whether to add a couple of pheasants or to leave it. 
Would you like to follow me on facebook

Monday 28 February 2011